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is it worth fighting ?
Monday, June 16, 2014 @ Monday, June 16, 2014 |
comment (0) had the worse argument with my parents regarding the Hong Kong trip .. I knw dad haven't been feeling well ever since he got sick .. He haven't really recover from the illness since then .. I trying my best helping out here, I'm not sure whether they have seen the efforts or not .. I'm not complaining that I need stay home and get all the things done. It's perfectly fine for me to do so, everyone in the family need to make sacrifices to make the family functions ..my heart and mind almost stopped when I heard dad waa gonna be admitted to the hospital.. I wanted to break down so much, because it actually hurts so much seeing my dad got so sick.. since young, my impression of dad is he's strong, nth's cn beat him down, even the sky drop, he will hold up for me.. so when I saw him suffering for high fever and pains, it's too much for me to handle, way to much .. looking at my dad just breaks my heart, I just hope I cn do smt for him, sharing his pain or anything .. I'm more than willing to do anything to make him feel better , anything just anything. using that particular phrase to describe me , it's very harsh .. and abt studying in sim. I'm sorry I let my parents down because I wasn't able to get into local uni.. sorry for the expensive sch fees that u need to pay for me .. I'm sorry, sorry for the disappointment, sorry for not working hard .. Other than sorry, I still feel sorry.. I feel guilty for fighting the chance to go hk with my friends .. yes I have been there more than once, I even went there on March , jus recently .. but there are so many reasons I want to go with my friends .. Some selfish reason of mine, but then not only that I made the promise to friends.. how am I going to explain ? as I'm writing this post, my mind is still in a state of confusion .. I'm feeling so guilty, it weighting down on my shoulder, yet I just don't knw how to express my thoughts to my parents .. feeling even more guilty because tdy is father's day, and all I did was making my dad angry and worry . such a unfillial daughter I am . not sure who cn i turn to, coz it's so hard to find someone that is able to relate to it and understand what I'm going through .. I have my own stand, so do my parents. I hate standing against them,sometime I jus wish they cn try to understand my view here . ps I'm not sure what am I supposed to do, what I did was right or wrong ? Beaute Forest Facial Masks
Friday, June 13, 2014 @ Friday, June 13, 2014 |
comment (0) I'm so happy that i got selected for the seeder program! this is the first time i got to try so many facial mask! I'm so excited when i first received the product ! sample store actually send 9 masks for me to try and review! i tried most of the masks! there are for whitening, hydrating, etc !
usually i don't use mask often, as my skin type is quite sensitive, so i have no idea which brands of mask to use. but i tried the beaute forest masks for the past few days, and the result is good ! it's not very sticky and it smell so nice ! i actually put it in the fridge for like 2-3 mins before i use, it will feel pretty cooling when i use. especially during these few days the weather is so hot, having a cool masks, it feel so comfortable !!
2-Step Aloe Vera & Cactus Moisturizing Pack
Step 1: Aloe and Cactus Moisturizing Mask
Step 2: Aloe and Cactus Moisturizing Lotion
Q10 & Silk Protein Fine Fairness Mask
Witch Hazel & Chamomile Soothing Mask
Truffle & Resveratrol Whitening Mask
2-Step Pearl & Arbutin Whitening Pack:
Step 1: Pearl and Arbutin Mask
Step 2: Pearl and Arbutin Lotion
How to use:
Step 1: After cleansing, remove mask from packaging and apply on face. Leave on for 10–15 minutes.
Gently peel of mask and discard.
Step 2: Apply gel cream evenly on face. Gently massage for better absorption.
to get these mask, head straight to the nearest watson now !! Go like the Watson Sg Facebook Page and like for more information ! here is the link : http://www.facebook.com/watsons.sg
u can even redeem a free sample masks at Samplestore, here is the link : https://www.samplestore.com/product/details/2838/0/name-beaute-forest-q10-silk-protein-fine-fairness-mask
More reviews will be up ! Byeeeee !!
Triple Dry Anti-perspirant Roll
Monday, May 26, 2014 @ Monday, May 26, 2014 |
comment (0) nowadays the weather is getting hotter and hotter , partly due to the forest fire i guess ? and everyone is getting to sweaty and sticky ! don't worry , there is a new product on the self ! it's the triple dry anti-perspirant roll ! usually i don't sweat out a lot , but due to the weather these days, my t-shirt gets wet and i smell as well.
followed the instruction by applying it nightly before going to bed, and wash as normal in the morning ! i'm smelling to fresh everyday now ! my perspiration reduce greatly after using a few day so i cut down using from daily to 2-3 days per week!
there are 2 types of roll, one is the fresh fragrance and the unfragrance. personally i like the fresh fragrance as it has a floral sense, which girl doesn't want to smell nice ? i believe people that has sensitive nose or not a fan or floral might try the unfrangance.
the retail price is $15.90 each and you can just get it in any guardian outlet! to redeem a free sample, go to https://www.samplestore.com/product/details/2842/0/name-triple-dry-anti-perspirant-roll-on !
out of no where
Saturday, February 8, 2014 @ Saturday, February 08, 2014 |
comment (0) currently blogging due to sick and tired of life ? hmm , nope .. too bored ! and i can't seem to find anything to do . suppose to went bai nian with my clique today, but it just happen to fall on the 9th of lunar month, so i need to come to my dad office to bai bai . so i give bai nian a miss . oh well , i'm aiming to go next year , if possible !
anyway came to office, rushed my techno report in the morning so that i could enjoy my afternoon with no worries. so i did , and i found out i don't really have anything to do, so i pretty bored here in the office. started to play some online games , but still .... i'm bored . i believe some fungus is growing on my head. really really bored.
and for the past few days, i couldn't get a good night sleep . due to ? i have no idea , trying my best to sleep, but couldn't help and took at least an hr to fall asleep ? feeling super tired, but just seem to can't fall asleep . worse thing is ... i start to think about my future.. and i got so worried , so scared and so emotional. let me explain my emotional part .. well, i'm someone that is super emotional.. even when i'm watching drama or movie, i can start crying. sorry, i'm a crybaby TT okay , that's not the main point. the main point is i start to think what if my parents left me one day, how am i suppose to cope that sadness ? i mean i'm not asking my parents to babysit me even when i get older. i can't imagine my parents left, even when i married, had child , grandchild , i still can't get over the feeling being separated by death. am i scared of death ? yes , but someone death . not mine . i think my heart might really literally break into pieces if anyone that is close to me left.
okay, i shouldn't be emo-ing here . but this is not, just a fact i can't get pass myself. like i'm really tried to tell myself, by then i'll be fine i can let it go .. it isn't working .
other than over thinking, i think my life still went pretty well ? having a sum of awesome classmates working with me on projects .. maybe some hiccups here and there, but nevertheless they are awesome ! fun people to work with and play with. as for my work, life's good ! but not perfect , i still miss my colleagues. as for my intern, it pretty much over. meet up with my intern colleagues, had awesome catch up with them and miss the time having lunch with them pretty much. although, i might have some issue with some colleagues, but still it's an wonderful experience having interns there. life at home is pretty good as well , going hong kong again on march. can't wait for my gateway. start to love traveling around . hehe!
what upset me the most is due to my busy schedule, i have been missing outing with my friends. and i'm missing out so much. oh well ! at least my school is gonna end, should have more time by then ?
a new year a new start ! Gong xi fa cai ! finally finished my bullshiting here, okay bye humans!
comfort zone
Wednesday, September 25, 2013 @ Wednesday, September 25, 2013 |
comment (0) been a month since i last post .. was busy with work and came back frm my holiday not long ago . revisit taiwan after 5 years ? but this time was free and easy .. went for 9 days , it was quite short for me , was hoping it will be longer. however, the sch holidays was juz 1 week. anyway , this trip was fun and relaxing , and most importantly i'm totally stress-free . why ? well , my internship is over. so glad i'm finally done with it , no more faking, no more upsetting , no more faker , etc etc .. i'm juz glad it's over ! even my parents are so happy for me . although it wasn't a very good or neither bad experience for me, since i had learnt lots of things from some of the colleagues there. there're good and bad , so i think i might juz need to accept this is how the work society works. kinda miss the finance dept. , they are my happy pills. they might be older , but they are much wiser as well . since it's holiday, have been working at Charlies and Keith . so fun working with all those colleagues like xiao yen etc, my dear Valerie join back our nex team . it's even more enjoyable working with her , we got lots of lots of jokes when we come tgt . i just love the time working there , although it might be quite tiring to stand 8 hrs , but it's all worth it . one sad thing was that hui hui got transfer to airport , i miss her trying to annoy me , try to 'steal' my sales and always complaining tht top management keep fine her for not wearing makeup. saw those tweet and photo , i juz felt disgusted by those few ppl . totally don't get it why are you all so shameless . like seriously , how can you act till like tht when you are alrdy adults . working adults .. plus your english really CMI , worse than me , that's quite saddening . some of the photos i took during the taiwan trip (; my grandparents and my parents are so lovely . kekeke !!
Saturday, August 24, 2013 @ Saturday, August 24, 2013 |
comment (0) it's sat ! and it juz pass so fast ! another day pass so fast ! and it's gonna be monday soon, i hateeeee monday . can i not go for internship ?? drain !! waking up at unearthly timing . i just wan my bed more than anything ! haha , at least i'm able to sleep in after nxt week ! woohooooooo ~
tdy came dad office bai bai , like past few years . it's the same procedures and food , but the food taste much better as compare to last time . feel so fat .. hahahaha , spent my whole day at the office with my family . feel so blessed to have them .. maybe at times we do quarrel , and have different point of view or opinion on certain issues, nevertheless they were beside me whn i need them the most . they care that why they are always nagging . haha , it's annoying .. nevertheless it's the way how they show me their loveeee , rightt ? and daddy was saying stomach don't feel well , it's better not the eat sashimi .. but den i ate alrdy .. oops ..
had a great evening with waiteng ytd .. meet up for dinner and some shopping . had our dinner at sushi tei , we were so full ! the food are so nicee and pretty . took bus the amk and train-ed home . we talked abt our sec sch life during the long bus ride .. think back, the memories are so precious and funny . it seem like we just know each other for a few days , but then it's gonna be 6 years ! bu zhi bu jue jiu 6 nian le .. i miss the times when we go playground to play blindmice , catching and play poker cards. we don't get tired so easily, but nowadays walking a few meters longer, we complaint tired alrdy. upgraded to aunties ! hahaha !! we fought so much too when we were in sec sch , but den awhile we are bck to normal . bu da bu xiang shi ! can't wait for 31 aug to come , since we have our singing k + movie dates on tht day .. craving for k ! haha , 6 hours straight ! lets goooooo ! after my taiwan trip will be adventure cove/WWW date ! can't wait for internship to end, my holiday is pack with full of activities !! short gateway , meeting up with friends and working at c&k(with a much higher pay than internship) and moreeeee .... no more 5.30pm end work !! weeeeeeee ~ another 4 days ! :)
nowadays my blog title is all songs name, checked which songs is on my playlist .. coz can't think of any meaningful or look meaningful quote .