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Saturday, August 24, 2013 @ Saturday, August 24, 2013 |
comment (0) it's sat ! and it juz pass so fast ! another day pass so fast ! and it's gonna be monday soon, i hateeeee monday . can i not go for internship ?? drain !! waking up at unearthly timing . i just wan my bed more than anything ! haha , at least i'm able to sleep in after nxt week ! woohooooooo ~
tdy came dad office bai bai , like past few years . it's the same procedures and food , but the food taste much better as compare to last time . feel so fat .. hahahaha , spent my whole day at the office with my family . feel so blessed to have them .. maybe at times we do quarrel , and have different point of view or opinion on certain issues, nevertheless they were beside me whn i need them the most . they care that why they are always nagging . haha , it's annoying .. nevertheless it's the way how they show me their loveeee , rightt ? and daddy was saying stomach don't feel well , it's better not the eat sashimi .. but den i ate alrdy .. oops ..
had a great evening with waiteng ytd .. meet up for dinner and some shopping . had our dinner at sushi tei , we were so full ! the food are so nicee and pretty . took bus the amk and train-ed home . we talked abt our sec sch life during the long bus ride .. think back, the memories are so precious and funny . it seem like we just know each other for a few days , but then it's gonna be 6 years ! bu zhi bu jue jiu 6 nian le .. i miss the times when we go playground to play blindmice , catching and play poker cards. we don't get tired so easily, but nowadays walking a few meters longer, we complaint tired alrdy. upgraded to aunties ! hahaha !! we fought so much too when we were in sec sch , but den awhile we are bck to normal . bu da bu xiang shi ! can't wait for 31 aug to come , since we have our singing k + movie dates on tht day .. craving for k ! haha , 6 hours straight ! lets goooooo ! after my taiwan trip will be adventure cove/WWW date ! can't wait for internship to end, my holiday is pack with full of activities !! short gateway , meeting up with friends and working at c&k(with a much higher pay than internship) and moreeeee .... no more 5.30pm end work !! weeeeeeee ~ another 4 days ! :)
nowadays my blog title is all songs name, checked which songs is on my playlist .. coz can't think of any meaningful or look meaningful quote .
frozen kiss
Monday, August 19, 2013 @ Monday, August 19, 2013 |
comment (0) so another day juz pass by . less than 24 hrs I'm having my pr2 , so worried and nervous ! although it's not graded but it's still major ! JY JY lets do it ! hope to get it done n over with ! be more responsible .. don't try to be a burden can you ? we got so many things in hand , don't have the time to wait for each other , things wund get it done on time . having limited patient to wait .. get annoyed very easily whn I waited too long .. blahhhhhh , siannnnn .. should juz stop thinking abt it .. everything's over .. lets end with a kiss .. eternal kiss . frozen kiss is a song btw ~ re-editing
Saturday, August 17, 2013 @ Saturday, August 17, 2013 |
comment (0) posted my last post on the way to sch .. after reading it seem like got quite a lot of English error , no wonder got d7 la D: hahaha , paragraphing also badddd. btw it's talking about 2 incident , with the big mouth incident juz happened ytd ? still get on my nerve thinking abt it .. only got to knw her less than a month yet so many things happen . anyway sch meeting with lek went fine , much better than expected . luckily ._.'' thought lek remark will be there's alot of improvement to be made etc .. but hai hao it went pretty well ~ muz prepare prepare for PR2 alrdy ! >< had a small lunch ? or lunch in sch at the new canteen. food was affordable and nice ! sometime i felt they are just overprotective .. think back .. wasn't angry but they tend to think of the worse situation will happen . partly glad they care so much, another part feel annoyed at times since the wearing isn't tht bad ? in the mid confusion ahh .. over 12 alrdy .. new post ~ everything has changed
Friday, August 16, 2013 @ Friday, August 16, 2013 |
comment (0) it's finally mid aug ! another 2 weeks I'll be out of hell ! ok .. maybe wasn't as bad as being in hell . there are still certain ppl make the stay a little more tolerance .. so we left 2 weeks before internship come to an end .. fruitful and rewarding experience , learnt so much regardless on work or personal stuff . now should start wrap up our projects , PR2 is on nxt tue ! that's quite fast ! lets hope we can ace it ! never felt so angry for so long .. didn't expect things will turn out this way . it's surprising how dramatic our friendship turn out . I wondered where's the trust u said ? don't play with fire , den who's playing with ? don't get it at all .. it's so funny I trusted u so much , tht y I told u so much . but wht I get in the end ? all those bullshit u warned me ? ridiculous ridiculous ! don't u see that what u said and what u did is exactly the opposite ?! and I don't get it if it's someone personal life why u such a big mouth went to tell others ? it's none of ur business and u don't even knw that person why go around tell tales of what u heard ? since u r a third party , can't u stop ur big mouth frm spreading any rumors ? feel free to fit in if u think u r the one I'm talking abt . and I think no point trying to explain when there aren't any trust . in the first place I wasn't even given a chance to explain . pardon for my language . had a short meet up with my darlings last weeks ! it's been sometime the 4 of us meet alrdy ! well spent night with them ! catching up + dinner + shopping ! time seen to past super fast when we got tgt .. forever not enough time catching up ! can't imagine my life without them ! and btw see yao got see my blog ma .. haha , I read ur blog le la ! just let the feeling fade as time pass .. everything has changed . life's full of up and down
Thursday, August 8, 2013 @ Thursday, August 08, 2013 |
comment (0) things doesn't always go according to what we plan .. so many unpredictable incident . for example, was pretty fine tdy , nt sure wht happen .. become enemy alrdy ? didn't even had a chance to explain , den sentence to death alrdy . isn't quite unfair ? I didn't even knw what's wrong . avoiding doesn't solve any issues right ? at least at my point of view .. it's better to talk face to face at least we knw whether if it's a misunderstanding . wasn't in the best mood of my life for these few days , have been thinking alot .. upset and disappointment are the only 2 words that cn described how I felt for the past few days .. didn't expect things to turn out this way .. where's the promise u once said ? gone ? if you can't keep ur promise , why in the first place u wan to make the promised ? lets focus of what I have nw , rather than what I have lost .. there might be ppl that are in a much worse situation as compare to me .. hence I shld focus what I have nw . 知足常乐!have a bunch of crazyy BFF supporting me , so I'm gonna get through it ! thankful tht they appear in my life , without them I might not able to get to where am I nw . I'm sure I'm gonna cherish them !! too in love with them alrdy ! plus my family as well .. although they don't show , but I still feel their overflowing love . hahaha , it's true . they are always there for me , and I'm so gladddddd (: met pei pei for a short meet up ytd ! miss working with her ! plus I finally meet my darlings tdy for dinner .. omq , totally went crazy with them ! time always pass so fast when we r tgt ! nvr enough for us ! looking forward to the nxt meeting with them !! if he choose to believe them , so be it .. wasn't fated to be friend I guess ? if he doesn't trust me , den we aren't friend . what's friendship without trust ? |