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Tuesday, November 4, 2008 @ Tuesday, November 04, 2008 |
comment (0) let do a short quiz . hahax . 12people that pop out from your mind: 1. FLOOR 2. HWEE JUN 3. YAO YAO 4.YUN HUI 5.WAI TENG 6.YUN BIN 7. CHERYL 8. HUI TIAN 9. MICHELLE 10.JIA EN 11.RU CUI 12.DARIUS 13. Who is number 11 having relationship with ? iie dunno who is the guy . 14. Is number 12 a male/female ? of course a male larr . 15. If number 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing ? iie dunno think they r les . n number 7 have boyfrend . 16. What is number 2 studyin about ? almost same as miie ba? XP 17. When was the last time you chatted with number 3 ? last friday niite . 18. What kind of music does number 8 likes ? errm ... nt very sure . 19. Does number 1 have any siblings ? yup yup . she have a elder sis , elder bro , on monster bro n sis . 20.Will you woo number 5? nope nope . she is my mommy n "daddy" in audi . 21. How about number 7 ? she gt boyfrend liaox . =P 22. Is number 4 single ? yup yup . 23. What is the surname of number 12 ? iie dunno . hahax . nt super close to him . 24. What is number 1's hobby ? chatting ...etc etc . iie think? iie dun reali ask tht . 25. Where is number 2 studying at ? same as miie! 26. Talk about something about number 9. she is cute n friendly . kind toward her friend . 27. Have your tried developing feelings for number 8 ? nope nope . we r friend nt les . 28. Where does number 10 live ? hougang . a few block away frm mine . super near . ^^ 29. What colour does number 4 likes ? iie am nt very sure . iie will go ask her some day . 30. Are number 1 and 5 best friends ? OF COURSE !!! 31. Does number 11 have any pets ? iie am nt sure . nvr went her house b4 . 32. Is number 7 the sexiest person in the world ? iie am nt very sure . bt she is cute n chio . 33. What is number 10 doing now ? iie dunno leh . we dun reali talk these few days . |